Leaving Denmark
When you leave Denmark, there are a number of practical matters you must pay attention to.
Practical matters before leaving
When you leave Denmark, there are a number of practical matters you must pay attention to
You have to report that you leave to the Civil Registration System (CPR) if:
- you will be gone for more than 6 months. Please note that if you go to Denmark on holiday during your stay abroad, this will not interrupt the 6-month period.
- you are gone for less than 6 months and you sublet or hire out your residence while you are gone. That is also called giving up the right of disposal.
You deregister in the self-service using MitID.
If you do not have MitID, you can book an appointment with Citizen Service, and you can fill in a leaving form and submitting it to your municipality of residence.
When leaving Denmark, you must destroy your yellow national health insurance card ('sundhedskort') (cut it up) as it only applies to individuals living in Denmark.
If you move from Denmark to another Nordic country, you must both register with the local registration authority in the country to which you move as well as deregister your address from the national register (CPR) in Denmark.
To be registered in another Nordic country, you must bring your ID and provide your social security number (CPR number) as well as your previous address in Denmark.
You will only be registered as having left Denmark once the municipality to which you are moving has informed the municipality which you are leaving.
When leaving Denmark, you must destroy your yellow national health insurance card ('sundhedskort') (cut it up) as it only applies to individuals living in Denmark.
If you need a certificate stating your periods of social security coverage in Denmark, please ask the health insurance authority in the country you are currently living in to contact Udbetaling Danmark.
Udbetaling Danmark can be reached by phone at + 45 70 12 80 81.
Doctor and dentist
Before you leave the country, remember to obtain your family medical and dentist records.
Before leaving Denmark, you should notify your children’s daycare facility, school, after-school scheme or other care arrangement that you are going to leave. The term of notice is generally 1 month. Many places demand a written notice in advance.
In some cases you can deregister from municipal childcare services digitally. Most of the online self-services are in Danish, but you can always get help to fill in forms and online applications at the local Citizen Service centre.
If you do not have MitID, please contact Digital Pladsanvisning (the Placement Service) or Citizen Service to have them help you withdraw your children from childcare.
Please remember always to read your meters before you move and inform your electricity and heating provider, otherwise you risk paying for more than you have consumed and you will be held responsible for the consumption until the next resident registers as a consumer.
If you have opened an account in a Danish bank, you should notify the bank of your relocation and check the possibilities of perhaps keeping your account open for approximately 1 year in case you receive reimbursements, for instance for utilities or tax, or deregistration fee.
Similarly, you should contact your insurance company to terminate your insurances and ask about your insurance coverage in connection with the relocation.
You can have your pension paid out abroad if you do not live in Denmark any longer.
Please contact your pension company, your pension fund or your financial institution if you want to learn more about your individual pensions.
You can not have your ATP Livslang Pension paid out if you leave Denmark. Read more what to do with your ATP Livslang Pension when you leave Denmark:
When you leave Denmark it is your job and your place of residence that determine to which country you have to pay tax.
You are recommended to call the Tax Agency on +45 72 22 28 92 once you have left Denmark and deregistered from the Danish National Register (Folkeregisteret).
If possible, the Tax Agency will determine your tax liability instantly and let you know which documents you need to submit to the Tax Agency in connection with your leaving Denmark.
If you leave Denmark and stop working for a Danish employer, you can have all your holiday allowance disbursed without taking a holiday.
When you leave Denmark, you have to hand over your number plates to the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency (Motorstyrelsen). You also need to notify one of the 4 vehicle registration offices (motorekspeditioner) in Denmark. And when you do that you have to include a copy of the original registration certificate (Part I and Part II) of the car and registration form 21.044.
Please note that the authorities may want to inspect the car.
For further guidance on how you deregister your car and how you get a possible registration duty refund, please contact the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency or find further information about how you export your car:
Partial refund on registration tax
If you leave Denmark and take your car that is registered in Denmark with you, you are entitled to a refund on part of the paid registration tax, depending on the current market value of the car. The refund will be deposited into your Danish bank account.
If you pay the registration fee in instalments, your instalments will expire when you have deregistered your car.
A possible refund will be transferred to the owner of the car when:
- the current market value of the car has been determined
- the car has been deregistered from the Register of Motor Vehicles
- when the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency (Motorstyrelsen) has received documentation that the car has been exported out of Denmark.
The Danish postal service, PostNord, can forward your mail to an address abroad for the first 6 months. Registration is only online using an online form.
In the form, Choose ’Flytning (Særlige adresseændringer)’ and then ’Udlands adresseændring’. Here you upload a copy of your passport, driving licence or other ID and fill in your details.
Parcels, magazines and newspapers will not be forwarded in connection with a change of address to another country. A permanent change of address is valid for 6 months and may be prolonged for another 6 months.
If PostNord does not receive any information about a new address in connection with relocation outside of Denmark, your post will be returned to sender.
Leaving Denmark entails a number of changes to your rights. When you have been registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) as relocated to another country, you simultaneously lose your social security in Denmark.
Therefore, before you leave Denmark, you should check which social rights you will have in the country to which you are moving.